Verónica C. Pérez

PhD student at Boston University.


I am a second-year PhD student in economics at Boston University. My research focuses on development and growth, economic history and political economy, with a strong emphasis on computational and data-driven methods. Most of my work applies machine learning and text analysis to investigate complex economic questions.

My joint work with Prof. Réka Juhász and Prof. Nathaniel Lane on measuring industrial policy through text analysis has been featured in Bloomberg,The Wall Street Journal, The Economist, and other outlets.

Before my PhD, I earned a BSc and MA in economics from Universidad de los Andes and worked as a predoctoral fellow at the Program for Economic Research (PER) at Columbia University. I am originally from Montería, Córdoba, Colombia.



Selected publications

  1. The Who, What, When, and How of Industrial Policy: A Text-based Approach.
    R. Juhász, N. Lane, E. Oehlsen, and V.C. Pérez
    Aug 2022